вторник, 15 сентября 2015 г.

It's Time To Start Throwing Out The Makeup You've Had For Years

It's Time To Start Throwing Out The Makeup You've Had For Years
It's Time To Start Throwing Out The Makeup You've Had For Years

This is exactly how long you should be keeping every beauty product you own.
Jenny Chang / Via BuzzFeed Design

2. Honestly ask yourself: Have you consistently added to your makeup collection for years, hardly throwing anything out?

It happens to the best of us.

3. Have you built your nail polish stash to include every color and shade under the sun, hardly using most of the colors in your arsenal?

It takes time and dedication to cover all your color bases.

4. If you’ve answered yes to any or all of these questions, it’s time for a change. All the makeup you’ve had laying around for years can actually ruin your skin.

“Skin absorbs everything you put on it. Using expired makeup is like eating food that has turned. While it may not make you as ill, it can cause all kinds of problems from inflammation to rashes and to allergic reactions that can be really severe,” celebrity makeup artist Tamah from The Wall Group, tells BuzzFeed Life.

5. And those skin care products you’ve been stock piling are WREAKING HAVOC. Especially anything in a jar.

And those skin care products you've been stock piling are WREAKING HAVOC. Especially anything in a jar.
Getty Images/iStockphoto OlgaMiltsova

“Products contained in jars have consumers touch the packaging with their hands. Over time, repeatedly dipping unwashed hands into the same product allows for bacteria to increase inside the packaging and in the product itself, which can lead to bacterial infections. Expired skin care products in general can cause bacterial infections, skin irritation, and redness,” Dr. David Bank, board-certified dermatologist, tells BuzzFeed Life.

6. You know what expires fastest? Acne treatments.

Acne products expire faster because they have active ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide or other medications that lose their effectiveness over time, especially when the product has not been sealed properly. They should be stored at room temperature and with a tightly closed lid,” Dr. Bank tells BuzzFeed Life.

7. Using expired sunscreen is no better than putting any run-of-the-mill lotion on your skin.

“For sunscreen, storage is a huge factor because it is one of those products that goes in and out of extreme temperatures. Once that temperature change happens, the product loses its effectiveness ad exposes people to health risks. The one way to see if sunscreen has gone bad is through testing its color and consistency. If the product is too runny or has a yellowish tint, it’s probably best to throw it out,” says Dr. Bank.

8. Skin care has a pretty set lifetime, but makeup has some wiggle room. There are some things you can do to make sure it doesn’t expire faster than it should. First, keep everything as clean as possible.

“Keep things clean: Your brushes, your makeup bag, makeup area, your hands while applying makeup. The cleaner your makeup the longer you’ll have it. Literally clean out your makeup bag! Wipe the inside out with an antibacterial wipe, let it dry completely, wipe down the outside of your products, and once everything is dry put it back together,” Tamah tells BuzzFeed Life.

9. Next, tightly shut every item you own and keep it stored at room temperature.

“Screw your tops back on securely. Lipstick or mascara without a top will dry out and become magnets for bacteria. Keep makeup out of direct sunlight and in an opaque makeup bag. If you store your makeup in the bathroom, keep it in a cabinet or a drawer away from humidity,” Tamah says.

10. Stash your nail polish bottles in the fridge so they don’t get all thick and gooey.

“They need to be stored in a cool, dry place. Even your bathroom is too humid from showers. The best place for a bottle to call home is the refrigerator. Seriously. You can literally keep a bottle for years in there,” Miss Pop, a New York City-based nail artist, tells BuzzFeed Life.

11. And don’t go overboard with the polish thinner.

“If the color is sheer to begin with, toss it when it’s goopy. Polish thinner will make the shade streaky. But if the color is opaque, a few drops could bring it back to like for another wear or so. Don’t shake the polish once the drops are in, or it’ll get air bubbles. Roll it between your palms to mix it. Thinner can compromise the formula and the mani doesn’t last as long,” Miss Pop says.

12. Getting rid of your makeup before it’s finished can feel like throwing away gold.

13. But it’s worth it in the end.

Because nothing is worse than a major skin issue you could’ve avoided.

Original article and pictures take http://www.buzzfeed.com/augustafalletta/its-time-to-start-throwing-out-the-makeup-youve-had-for-year?crlt.pid=camp.K6wnCe0kxQnD#.umw4lkazNv site

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