Your kindergartener is at an age where almost everything seems exciting and magical. It comes as no surprise that experts reckon it’s the best age to introduce kindergarteners to the amazing world of science. Although, it may seem early, but studies show that the kindergarten years can be a good base for developing a child’s interest in any subject.
So, if you would like to try a few science experiments for kindergarten, read our post below: These fun activities are perfect for kids to learn and enjoy science.
- Write ‘sink’ and ‘float’ on a piece of paper and make two columns.
- Ask your kindergartener to collect different objects from around the house, such as pins, rubber ties, paper, pens, spoons and such.
- Fill a pan with water and ask your kid to put the objects in the water one by one. See which ones float and which ones sink and write them down on the paper. It can be one of the best and interesting science activities for kindergarten.
Science: Heavy objects will sink while the lighter ones will float.
2. Bean Sprout:
- Show your kid a few bean seeds let him inspect the hard shells.
- Ask your kid to dampen a few paper towels and place them on a cookie sheet. Place the bean seeds and cover them with some more damp paper towels. Keep the cookie sheet in mild sunlight.
- Ask your kid to check the seed daily and add sprinkle some water on the paper towels.
- In about five to six days, the beans will sprout. This is an easy science experiment for kindergarten that can be done using simple ingredients found around your house.
Science: Sunlight, air, and water will help a plant to grow.
[ Read: Candy Science Experiments For Kids ]
3. Bottled Waves:
- Help your kid fill up a bottle with two-thirds castor oil and the rest with water.
- Add some food coloring and close the lid.
- Let your kid turn the bottle from side to side and see how the water forms waves.
Science: As the earth rotates on the axis, the gravitational pull leads to waves.
4. Floating Egg:
- Let your kid pour water in a glass till halfway.
- Add about six tablespoons of salt and stir well.
- Help your kid pour more water into the glass until it is almost full. Remember to add the water gently.
- Now submerge the egg in the water, and see how it floats.
Science: Salt will make the water dense and make it easier for the egg to float.
5. Invisible Writing:
- Let your kid add some drops of dishwashing detergent in a cup of water and stir it.
- Your kid can dab a cotton swab in the mix and make a drawing or writing on a bathroom mirror.
- At bath time, as the bathroom gets foggy, the message on the mirror will become visible. Invisible writing is one of the easy science experiments for kindergarten that will help them to wonder about the science.
Science: The dishwashing detergent will prevent water molecules from forming on the mirror and let the message be seen.
6. Magnet Play:
- Ask your kid to collect some items from around the house and gather them around a magnet.
- Let them see which ones are pulled in by the magnet and which ones aren’t.
Science: A magnet will pull anything that is made of iron, nickel, and some other metals.
[ Read: Kindergarten Learning Games And Activities ]
7. Color Play:
- Fill three glass bowls with water and add red, yellow and blue food coloring.
- Show your kid how to mix the colors one by one to see how new colors form. This is one of the best science experiments for kindergarten students.
Science: Red, blue and yellow are primary colors that can help to create more colors.
8. Ice Cool:
- Ask your kid to fill some plastic cups with water and place a lid on one cup.
- Place all cups on a plate and freeze overnight.
- Get him to check the cups in the morning and see if the cups are cracked. Ice cool activity is one of the bets fun science experiments for kindergarten that can be tried at home.
Science: When water freezes, it expands and can lead to cracks in the cups.
[ Read: Number Games And Activities For Kindergarten ]
9. Hearing Balloon:
- Inflate a balloon and place it next to your kid’s ear. Tap gently.
Science: When the balloon is inflated, the air molecules inside will move close to each other and increase the sound waves.
10. Magic Paint:
- Help your kid pour some whole milk into a petridish or shallow bowl.
- Add some food coloring drops to the milk.
- Dip a toothpick into some dish soap and disrupt the color droplets.
- Continue to dip the toothpick and swirl the colors around.
Science: The soap disrupts the surface tension of the milk, pushing the color away from the toothpick.
Try these fun science activities and experiments at home, and witness how your kindergartener falls in love with science. Do you have any ideas for science experiments? Tell us here. Leave a comment below.
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