50 Ways To Practice Self-Care
Being kind to yourself isn’t a luxury.. it’s a necessity.
It also isn’t an act of selfishness. Practicing self-care means that you’re willing to accept yourself and acknowledge the fact that you have both strengths and weaknesses. When you take care good care of yourself, you also set the standards for how you want to be treated by others.
One of my friends has two small kids and I always laugh when she tells me that sometimes she locks herself in her pantry with a bottle of wine, some crackers and her favorite salad. Away from the kids and her partner, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. She calls it her “me time” and always says that she can’t pour from an empty cup, unless she first refills hers. And she isn’t referring to wine. :)
I happen to agree.
It’s not always easy, especially if you love staying busy, working and taking care of others. You might even feel a little guilty about taking some time out for yourself. BUT, we all need to show ourselves a little extra love at times. Better yet, make it a habit. Whether it be turning off your phone for a few hours or giving yourself a little day off once one a while.
1. Have a mini declutter session.
2. Watch your favorite movie. For the 20th time.
3. Take a long bath.
4. Burn your favorite candle.
5. Jump on your bed. Like when you did when you were little (come on, when was the last time you did this?).
6. Turn off your phone for a few hours.
7. Meditate (you can start right here).
8. Have a mini pamper session.
9. Throw your favorite jammies in a dryer for a few minutes so they’re nice and warm and put them on as soon as you come home from work.
10. Go for a run or a long walk.
11. Write yourself a love letter.
12. Wear your favorite perfume.
13. Put some music on and dance away.
14. Prepare your favorite meal.
15. Go outside, lie on your back and watch the sky.
16. Write down 10 things you’re grateful for.
17. Give yourself a manicure.
18. Treat yourself with your favorite dessert.
19. Buy yourself some flowers.
20. Do something for the first time; it can be something very simple, like trying out a new restaurant for the first time, all by yourself (you can always order your food to go, if you’re too uncomfortable eating alone at the table).
21. Have an intense workout session.
22. Do something that you’ve been putting off for a while.
23. Get up early, make yourself breakfast and enjoy your morning tea in peace and quiet. No TV, no radio, no phone, no laptop.
24. Throw yourself a little party. Buy a bottle of your favorite wine, grab some takeout and read through all the magazines you’ve been hoarding. Maybe watch some mindless TV?
25. Slow down and be present. This post will show you how.
26. Listen to music. Just close your eyes and listen to music.
27. Create a vision board for yourself.
28. Call someone you love.
29. Read a good book.
30. Take a nap.
31. Stretch.
32. Create positive, loving affirmations for yourself.
33. Organize your closet.
34. Plan a fun weekend for yourself and your partner/friends/family. It can be something as simple as game night and pizza.
35. Binge-watch your favorite TV show on Netflix.
36. Try a new, healthy recipe.
37. Do something creative.
38. Have a cup of coffee from your favorite coffee place.
39. Write a thank you note to someone. Just because.
40. Do something you love.
41. Sleep in on the weekend.
42. Spend some time in the sun.
43. Have a little girls’ night in.
44. Kick-start your day with some positive affirmations.
45. Have a lunch date with a friend.
46. Cuddle with your pet. Or with your human ;) .
47. Make a playlist of your favorite songs at the moment.
48. Go to a museum.
49. Write down a long list of things you love.
50. Watch a stand-up comedy show.
How do you practice self-care? How often do you take small brakes, just for yourself?
Here’s a pinnable version of this post:
PS If you don’t already, I’d love it if you followed me and Thirteen Thoughts on Facebook!
Original article and pictures take http://www.thirteenthoughts.com/50-ways-to-practice-self-care/?pp=1 site
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