суббота, 22 октября 2016 г.

Weekly Reading Mystery FREEBIE [Sci. & SS Integration]

Weekly Reading Mystery FREEBIE [Sci. & SS Integration]
Weekly Reading Mystery FREEBIE [Sci. & SS Integration]

FREE ELA, Science, and Social Studies Integration- using clues to engage students during reading time to learn more about science and social studies

Objective: Students will read through picture books and reading passages to find the mystery clue for the week in science and social studies.

1. Start by picking the mystery clue. [one for science and one for social studies]

These freebies can be found here.

FREE ELA, Science, and Social Studies Integration- using clues to engage students during reading time to learn more about science and social studies

2. Then, pick 3 or 4 other science topics for the week that the students can explore.

The reason that I suggest only giving them 3 or 4 topics is because if they are trying to find a mystery clue out, giving them 10+ topics will be incredibly overwhelming for the students.

3. Head to the local library and rent out 3 or 4 books for each topic that you choose.

FREE ELA, Science, and Social Studies Integration- using clues to engage students during reading time to learn more about science and social studies

FREE ELA, Science, and Social Studies Integration- using clues to engage students during reading time to learn more about science and social studies

4. Create a folder that will hold correlating reading passages. Make sure that your reading passages that are in your folder are the same 3-4 topics that you chose for the week and picked books for as well. Social studies passages can stay on the left, while science passages can stay on the right!

ELA, Science, and Social Studies Integration- using clues to engage students during reading time to learn more about science and social studies

These reading passage are included in my biography bundle and my science no prep bundle.

Click the links above to check out the huge money-saving bundles. Both bundles have much more than simply the reading passages, too.

5. Post your clues on the board on Monday, allow for students to explore all week during Read to Self, Read to Someone, or free reading time.

FREE ELA, Science, and Social Studies Integration- using clues to engage students during reading time to learn more about science and social studies

6. If students find out mystery clue, have them write their answer on a Post-It note and add it to a special box. Reward students with your choice of reward. I suggest giving them raffle tickets to win books you get from Scholastic Book Clubs!

FREE ELA, Science, and Social Studies Integration- using clues to engage students during reading time to learn more about science and social studies

7. Give the answer on Friday and read aloud the passage or book you found the clue from. Give a mini lesson on text-evidence and model how students could have found the answer on their own.


Here is the freebie:


And here are the resources for biography passages and science no-prep passages.

Both of these bundles have MUCH more than simply passages, too!




Check out the Facebook Live post to see this blog post come to life here!

Original article and pictures take http://www.firstgradenest.com/2016/08/weekly-reading-mystery-freebie-sci-ss.html site

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