понедельник, 18 июля 2016 г.

The Hair Tuck (because im addicted)

The Hair Tuck (because im addicted)
The Hair Tuck (because im addicted)

The post The Hair Tuck appeared first on because im addicted.

As the seasons turn, I like to assess my poor habits before things get out of control with cold weather, holiday parties, unhealthy food options, and general craziness. Because the only thing that can ruin the holiday season—for me—is feeling blah the whole time. Plus, I want to make sure I’m bringing healthy habits from summer into cooler months. This year, I’m determined to banish the habits I’m not so proud of in hopes of heading into the new year on top of my game! Here’s what I’m planning to break: Not wearing sunscreen I’m pretty good at this, but I often skip crucial areas like my hands (which get a ton of sun while driving), neck, and ears. I’m going to keep a travel-sized sunblock in my car and purse to help. Sugar overload I’m actually not a huge fan of holiday food like turkey and potatoes, but I looove sweets. This year, I plan on making some not-so-sweet and more natural treats (have any recipes for me?!) and limiting my sugar consumption at parties. Send help! Lack of sunglasses Sunnies actually protect your eyes from UV rays, they don’t just look cute and cover up sleepy eyes. I sometimes feel weird wearing them when it’s not super sunny out, but UV rays are out most of the year. I’m going to protect my eyes—and help fight wrinkles—this winter. Binge drinking This is embarrassing to admit, but something about holiday parties turns me into a 21-year-old girl who overdoes alcohol. Though it only happens a couple times a year—and I blame it on booze making you feel warm and fuzzy when it’s cold out—I’m going to do my best to limit drinks and have a water in between each. Or, volunteer to be the DD at parties to avoid drinking altogether. Sticking indoors When it gets cold, I become a baby and start only exercising indoors. That means I spend most of my time inside, as summer workouts are what gets me out of the house. This winter, I’m vowing to head outdoors—and get some more appropriate fitness clothing—to soak up Vitamin D and boost my mood. Any habits you’re hoping to break or keep to end the year? Save The post Breaking Unhealthy Cold Weather Habits appeared first on because im addicted.

Original article and pictures take https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/because-im-addicted-11078067/hair-tuck-4647480954 site

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