понедельник, 15 декабря 2014 г.

Dancing Conversation Hearts - Playdough To Plato

Dancing Conversation Hearts - Playdough To Plato
Dancing Conversation Hearts - Playdough To Plato

Dancing Conversation Hearts

Getting Ready

To prep, I gathered our supplies:

  • 4 Alka Seltzer tablets.
  • 1 cup of sparkling water {ordinary tap water works too}
  • A box of conversation hearts
  • A glass

We tried this experiment several times using different numbers of Alka Seltzer tablets and either tap or sparkling water. Since conversation hearts are a little heavy candy-wise, the winning combination was a whopping four Alka Seltzer tablets and some sparkling water. It really took their shimmies and shakes to the next level. It’s not required though – the science activity worked with ordinary tap water too.

Dancing Conversation Hearts

Middle Brother crushed up the Alka Seltzer tablets and placed them in the bottom of our glass. Then he carefully picked out a handful of his favorite conversation hearts and laid them on top of the tablets. Grabbing the sparkling water bottle with both hands, he slowly poured in about 1 cup of water.

Dancing Conversation Hearts. Fun science for kids.

Then he sat back and watched with super excitement as the hearts began bobbing up, down and all around the cup.

Simple and fun science experiment for kids. Make dancing conversation hearts!
The Science Behind It

Similar to the reaction that occurs when you mix baking soda and vinegar, when you pour water on the Alka Seltzer tablets, carbon dioxide gas bubbles begin forming. These gas bubbles stick to the conversation hearts, pulling them up as they rise to the surface. When the gas bubbles burst, the hearts fall back down until enough bubbles form to pull it back up again. The up and down movement makes it appear as though the hearts are wriggling and dancing.

Original article and pictures take http://www.playdoughtoplato.com/dancing-conversation-hearts/ site

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