пятница, 3 октября 2014 г.

Best Science Experiment Books - Teach Beside Me

Best Science Experiment Books - Teach Beside Me
Best Science Experiment Books - Teach Beside Me

10 Awesome Science Experiment Books for Kids

10 Awesome Science Experiment Books for Kids


I have to start with STEAM Kids because I was a co-author for this book! It’s amazing and has been so much fun to be a part of! Check it out. We made it to the best-seller list on : Awesome Things To Do With Your Parents, Babysitters and Other Adults by Holly Homer and Rachel Miller- This is a book by some of my favorite bloggers! We love it!

(Physics, Engineering, Earth Science, etc & others) For Every Kid Janice VanCleave has a series of different experiment books by topic. They are some of our favorites!

by Jill Frankel Hauser- This book has some fun things to create. It’s like a craft and science book combined!

by Liz Lee Heinecke- I love that these ones are all outdoor focused!

STEM Books for Kids and Math Teaching Books, too!

Original article and pictures take http://teachbesideme.com/best-science-experiment-books/ site

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