понедельник, 21 июля 2014 г.

9 Herb Garden Ideas - How to Plant - Four Generations One Roof

9 Herb Garden Ideas - How to Plant - Four Generations One Roof
9 Herb Garden Ideas - How to Plant - Four Generations One Roof

How to Plant an Herb Garden | Ideas and Inspiration

Let’s get started! It is going to be a blast!

Herb Garden - Mason Jar Herb Garden by Not Just a Housewife

Mason Jar Herb Garden Not Just a Housewife

If you are beginning your herb garden in the Summer, it is much easier to purchase small plants from your local home and garden center or nursery. I’ve even seen some great looking plants at our local grocery store. If you begin in the Winter, you can plant seeds and then replant them in containers.

Herb Garden - Hanging Herb Garden by Itsy Bits and Pieces

Hanging Herb Garden by Itsy Bits and Pieces

Location is key when deciding where your herb garden should stay. Herbs need light and good ventilation to grow well. If you have an indoor garden, a south facing window is an optimal place for light, but east and west work, too. Be sure to avoid putting plants directly on or near air conditioners or radiators.

Herb Garden - Tea Cup Herb Garden by Mobly Design

Teacup Herb Garden by Mobly.Design

Be sure to avoid putting plants near air conditioning units or above radiators. Keep them in a well ventilated area, too.

Herb Garden - Pallet Planter by Kelly Moore

To avoid rotten roots, choose a container with good drainage. Something with holes or a container filled part way with rocks will help promote good drainage and healthy plants.

Herb Garden - Wall Planter by Shanty 2 Chic

Wooden Wall Planter by Shanty 2 Chic

Be sure to water your plants well, but not over water them. If you find that they have yellow leaves, you might be over watering them.

Herb Garden - Tea Tin Herb Garden by Mireio Designs

Tea Tin Herb Garden by Mereio Designs

Do your research when you decide which plants to include in your garden. Some have different requirements for growing conditions. For example, basil loves full sun, so plant it where it will get loads of light!

Herb Garden - Window Box Herb Garden by Vegetable Gardener

Window Box Herb Garden by Vegetable Gardener

You guys know that I love pretty things, so get creative with your container. An herb garden can be a beautiful focal point in a room and use it to your advantage.

Herb Garden - Mason Jar Herb Garden by Crafts Unleashed

Mason Jar Herb Garden by Crafts Unleashed

Remember to have fun taking care of those plants and don’t forget them. You will be so happy with the bounty of flavor that they will bring to your dinner table.

5 Herb Garden ideas - Wash Tub Herb Garden by On Sutton Place

Vintage Washtub Garden by On Sutton Place

I hope you’ve enjoyed the great herb garden tips and are ready to try it out this year. This post was loaded with some cool ideas for planting that garden and I can’t wait to see what you do. Keep me posted! PS. You may also like our how to grow a vegetable garden post as well.

","discussion":{"numPages":1,"confidence":0.18008171081542967,"diffbotUri":"discussion|3|-614949911","pageUrl":"http://www.fourgenerationsoneroof.com/2016/04/9-herb-garden-ideas-plant-herb-garden","numPosts":3,"type":"discussion","title":"9 Herb Garden Ideas – How to Plant","posts":[{"date":"Tue, 26 Apr 2016 19:17:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Beatrice Langman says","diffbotUri":"post|3|2015698341","html":"

I can only use pots. Have a small deck and only get sun in the afternoon. Have had some success over the years. but not last year. Do mostly herbs. Basil and parsley work, not much else. Get about 4 tomatoes if I’m lucky. I do buy the ones that are already started. Can you give me any suggestions?

","pageUrl":"http://www.fourgenerationsoneroof.com/2016/04/9-herb-garden-ideas-plant-herb-garden","id":0,"text":"I can only use pots. Have a small deck and only get sun in the afternoon. Have had some success over the years. but not last year. Do mostly herbs. Basil and parsley work, not much else. Get about 4 tomatoes if I’m lucky. I do buy the ones that are already started. Can you give me any suggestions?","type":"post"},{"date":"Thu, 25 Aug 2016 09:14:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Jen says","diffbotUri":"post|3|1897143362","html":"

Buy a grow light off Amazon and bring your pots in when they start to look like they need it. Or every other day or so for a couple hours of extra light. & you might be able to use it to extend your growing season

","pageUrl":"http://www.fourgenerationsoneroof.com/2016/04/9-herb-garden-ideas-plant-herb-garden","id":1,"text":"Buy a grow light off Amazon and bring your pots in when they start to look like they need it. Or every other day or so for a couple hours of extra light. & you might be able to use it to extend your growing season","type":"post","parentId":0},{"date":"Mon, 31 Oct 2016 20:39:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Masrlene Bertrand","authorUrl":"http://www.growveggies101.com","diffbotUri":"post|3|1977101330","html":"

These are all such wonderful and cute ideas for growing herbs. I especially like the mason jars and washtub gardens.

Original article and pictures take http://www.fourgenerationsoneroof.com/2016/04/9-herb-garden-ideas-plant-herb-garden site

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